William D. Daley is a Certified Divorce & Family Law Attorney in Chula Vista and San Diego, CA with over 30 years of experience in representing clients in a wide variety of family law issues and divorce cases. Get experience on your side when it comes to matter of:

A pre-marital agreement is a way of defining your rights and responsibilities going into a marriage. If you have property; pension or retirement; career or business; then obtaining a pre-nuptial agreement to protect and preserve your assets is important. Contact us to discuss the options and provisions you may want to consider.

The time share arrangements with regard to children whose parents are divorcing can be one of the most important ramifications in a divorce. Arriving at an agreement between the parents can be important, otherwise, the Court process will determine what is in the “best interest of the child”. Having an experienced attorney to consult with, advise and represent you in this process can be crucial. Contact us to discuss the important issues involved with child custody and visitation.

Dividing property in a dissolution of marriage and determining the community and separate property components and relative interest between the parties requires legal expertise. William D. Daley is a certified family law specialist with over 30 years of experience. If you have a residence, retirement, business, or investments which may need to be divided, you need to protect your interest. Call to discuss these issues

Unfortunately, there a number of divorces which are commenced with allegations of domestic violence and a request for a restraining order. When this occurs, issues including; who may remain in the home, custody and visitation with the children; support and other issues; may be initiated in an expedited domestic violence restraining order hearing which can have long range effects in a subsequent dissolution of marriage proceeding. Having an attorney at an early stage to advise you regarding your rights is very important. Please call to discuss these issues.

After Court orders are made, there may be a change of circumstance that requires a change in the orders; including modification of custody and visitation, support, implementation of the division of a retirement, or other issues and orders that need to be modified.. If you have the need to modify a current Court order, please contact us to discuss the issue and the process that may be required.